How can I track a Lone Star Overnight package?
With, you can effortlessly keep tabs of your Lone Star Overnight parcels in real-time. All you have to do is type in the corresponding tracking number for your shipment under the search bar on our website and you can view its current status with ease. We provide extensive reports for every package, so you can track the location of your shipment, including the estimated delivery duration and any potential delays in transit. You can even check previous transaction histories, which is useful for keeping track of all your recent orders for better organization.
What shipping services does Lone Star Overnight provide?
At, we offer an abundance of shipping solutions provided by Lone Star Overnight, ranging from express shipment offerings to economical ground delivery. Each of these services come with varying turnaround times depending on your needs, from same-day delivery to 1-3 days. We guarantee reliable and secure shipment of all your parcels regardless of size and weight, so you can always have confidence knowing that your items will arrive on time. You can find more information about our services on our website and choose the best option for you.
What does “In Transit, Arriving Late” mean in a Lone Star Overnight package tracking report?
This denotes that the parcel has encountered particular issues which have caused a delay to its proposed arrival date. To find out more details about these problems, such as if it is because of unexpected weather conditions or a lack of personnel to manage the delivery, as well as when you can expect it to show up, you can refer to the tracking records available on If there are any discrepancies from other sources, our customer service team can help you clarify any confusion.
Is it possible to modify the arrival address of a Lone Star Overnight package?
Yes, it is feasible to modify the destination address of any parcel that was sent through Lone Star Overnight. To make sure that it will reach its intended recipient, you should follow the instructions provided on our website for the necessary steps to make these changes. Keep in mind that this is subject to the terms and conditions of the carrier and may take up to 24-48 hours to be completed. Also, please make sure to double-check the new address you entered, as incorrect addresses may cause the item to be returned to sender.
What should I do if my Lone Star Overnight package hasn’t arrived yet?
In cases where the package does not arrive within the established timeline, you can file a complaint against the carrier. All required documents and the exact window of time you have to do so can be found in our comprehensive guide on If you need any additional help, our customer service team is always available to answer any questions and lend assistance.
What does “Delivered to Agent” mean in a Lone Star Overnight package tracking report?
This implies that the parcel has been handed over to a third-party such as a logistics agency or post office, who will then be responsible for delivering it to its designated address. To stay apprised of the situation of the shipment, you can use the tracking data available on Additionally, we provide a subscription service where you can receive instant notifications of any significant updates regarding the progress of your package’s journey.